Light Controller - Introduction
An introduction to the Light Controller project. A simple project that controls light intensity and blinking speed of a LED using potentiometers.
Light Controller is a simple Raspberry Pi project made for learning purposes . The project will be built with the following components:
- 1 Raspberry Pico with headers
- 1 220Ω resistor
- 20AWG Wire
- 1 5mm LED
- 2 6mm Linear Potentiometer 10KOhm
- 1 Perfboard/Prototype Board
The concept is pretty simple:
The LED will be blinking while one potentiometer controls the light intensity and the other the blinking speed. What I find interesting about the project is being able to control the behaviour of the LED with potentiometers.
The potentiometer that controls the intensity of the LED doesn't send any signals back to the pico but is used to manipulate the amount of current that reaches the LED. The other potentiometer sends a variable amount of current to an input of the pico. The voltage that arrives to the input pin will be used to control the speed of every blink.